PlayVS Hearthstone® leagues will gain access to accounts preloaded with card packs!
Card Unlock Account Requirements
Teams looking to get the most out of the unlocked accounts will need to dedicate time to complete the tutorial, level up desired classes, and manually open card packs prior to the start of the regular season. Each account will be loaded with at least 300 classic card packs, and at least 300 card packs from each of the available expansions.
Receiving Your Account Credentials
Once enrolled, the assigned Coach for the team will receive an email with their account credentials to login and access their unlocked account (returning teams will receive updated credentials for their previously used account).
How to Add Card Unlock and Early Access
Download the launcher, login with the credentials given, and download Hearthstone.
2. Once the game has been launched, three tutorial options will appear on the menu. Select the “Hearthstone” option and the tutorial will begin.
3. When the tutorial is finished, the account should allow you to open packs and start leveling the classes. The starting class is Mage, the other classes may be obtained by going into the “Solo Adventures” mode and playing versus the other classes. To access “Solo Adventures”, go to the main menu and select “Mode”.
Important: Core cards can’t be opened from packs! In order to obtain the core cards of each class, the class needs to be played until it hits level 10. Furthermore, to obtain the core neutral cards, the account needs to hit 60 levels overall throughout all their classes. Levels can be checked in the Journal option under Profile. Decks can still be played without the core cards, but it is highly recommended that the core cards be unlocked before the season starts in order to compete with all the cards in the game.
How to Open Packs
Each account should start with a preset amount of packs. These packs should give enough cards to create decks that are in the current standard rotation. To open packs:
On the bottom of the menu, go to “Open Packs”.
Simply drag the pack to the middle of the screen, and the pack will open up and five cards will appear.
Click on each card to reveal them, and repeat the process to continue getting cards.