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How to Reschedule a Match

A guide for rescheduling a match with the PlayVS platform.

Updated over 5 months ago

When necessary, coaches can request a reschedule once a season match is scheduled. Using the tool to reschedule will send a notification to your opponent who can accept or decline the request.

Send a Reschedule Request with Match Lobby

To send a reschedule request from the Lobby page:

  1. From your schedule, locate the match you need to reschedule and click Open Match

  2. From the Lobby tab, locate the Manage Match dropdown, and select Reschedule under the Manage Match section.

  3. In the pop up, provide a reason for the reschedule, then click Next.

  4. Provide 2-3 options of new times that your team would like to compete at, then click Send Request to notify your opponent of your request to reschedule.

Receive & Respond to a Reschedule Request

To respond to a reschedule request notification:

  1. Once logged in to your PlayVS Account, click the Notification Bell to see your latest updates, then click the Reschedule Request notification to be taken directly to the match.

  2. Select View Request to respond to your opponent.

  3. There are three options for the following pop-up:

    • If your team can accommodate one of the times provided, select that time, click Next and then Confirm to approve the request and reschedule the match.

    • If your team cannot accommodate the provided times, but is willing to reschedule, check I’d like to suggest another set of times option, then select Next to be taken to Reschedule Match pop-up from above.

    • If your team cannot accommodate a reschedule, click Deny Request to inform your opponent that a reschedule is not an option for the match.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What do I do if my opponent does not respond to my reschedule request?

If your coach has not responded to your request, nor your messages in Lobby Chat or, contact the Customer Experience team so that PlayVS can assist.

What if both coaches want to reschedule, but cannot agree to a new time?

If both teams are unable to coordinate on a new date and time for a reschedule, the original match time will be upheld, and our system will assign a loss to both teams within 48 hrs of that original match time.

What if the date I want to reschedule to is not provided?

If the date you wish to reschedule is not provided, then that date is outside of the window to reschedule, and will not be possible for this match.

My opponent denied my request, and now we have to forfeit. How does this impact my players?

A team that forfeits their match will be required to join the Match Queue in the following week. Once a team has forfeit three or more matches, they will be declared ineligible to compete in playoffs, no matter the team’s placement in standings at the end of the season.

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