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Enrollment Steps

How to create a team, enroll your team, verify players & add players

Updated over 5 months ago

Enrollment has opened, and we are excited to have you all join us in the competition in our upcoming season! In this guide, you'll find the steps to create and enroll a team, as well as the process to verify and add players to your teams.

Create a Team

1. Log in to PlayVS.

  • For any questions about linking your PlayVS account with a Google Gmail account, please reference the Google SSO Overview.

2. Under Your Teams, click Create Team.

3. Select the Esport.

4. Enter Your Team Name.

5. Click Create Team.

Enroll a Team

1. From the PlayVS Dashboard, locate and click Manage Enrollment.

2. Locate the Esport and Team you are looking to enroll.

3. Click the Drop-Down box.

4. Select the League your team will be competing in.

You can enroll multiple teams at once! Just click each team’s drop-down and select the league they will be competing in before moving on to Step 5.

5. Select your School Break Week.

  • Break weeks are only for seasonal PlayVS leagues and not PlayVS events.

  • Break Weeks allow a team to indicate a week that they should not be scheduled for a match (typically due to Spring/Fall Break or observed holidays).

  • Selecting a week will result in your team(s) receiving a Bye in place of a match.

  • For more info on Byes, see our Match Status Guide.

6. On the right, click Update Enrollment.

Verify & Add Players to a Team

1. From the PlayVS Dashboard, locate and click My School.

2. Click the Players tab.

3. Any pending players will be shown directly below, where coaches can:

  • Verify the Player with their School.

  • Deny the Player from connecting to their School.

4. Once verified, head to Manage Teams.

5. Click the Esport Title Filter, and select your Title.

6. Locate your Team Card.

7. Under Roster, click Add Player.

8. Search for and select the player to add.

9. Click Confirm to add the player to your team’s Roster.

Teams enrolled in an active season will not be able to update their team’s roster after the Roster Lock has passed. Once the active season is complete, players can be added to teams once more.

Unenroll a Team

1. From the PlayVS Dashboard, locate and click Manage Enrollment.

2. Locate the Esport and Team you are looking to unenroll.

3. Click Unenroll.

4. Using the drop-down, change your league selection to Unenroll Team.

5. On the right, click Update Enrollment.

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